Lilianna wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:02 amSO wish we lived somewhere with spare rooms!Silo wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 2:08 am Hate it. But also love it.
I don't like when people touch me without giving obvious cues they're about to touch me and allowing me a chance to decide to accept or step back. By that I mean things hugs from strangers or acquaintances, or putting their hand on my shoulder or arm around me. There are very few people I allow to touch me like that.
I have thick head of hair, and that apparently invites people to run their fingers through it. It's a weird love/hate thing for me on that - my scalp is sensitive and an erogenous zone. I *enjoy* the feeling of someone running their fingers through my hair, but that's also what makes me feel uncomfortable, because of how I enjoy it.
As far as unexpected sexual touch, also hate that too. Especially when I'm trying to sleep. I think I've finally broken DH of that habit, but for a while there I hated that pressure of being half asleep and now I have to perform and pretend I'm 'totally into it'. I'm not, damn it. I wanna sleep. One nice thing we do for the both of us is we have separate rooms for recreation. Both of us gamers, we each have a room of the house with our respective gaming setups - we may play together sometimes, but we get space from one another when we need it.
I have a work colleague, Susan, who creeps me out and she gave me an unexpected hug recently without giving me an option to back out. It made me nauseated. If I was better at thinking on my feet I could have stepped back or lifted my hands in refusal and said "oh no thanks, i didn't have time to shower this morning!"
She's a big woman, and tall, and she corners me a lot, sidles up to me, stares at me in meetings, I hate it and cannot find a way to get away from her apart from a transfer to another department, which I am working on. I flat out said to my other team member at work that if Susan was a man I would be claiming harassment - but they all just look at me like the problem is ME - because they cannot fathom a woman could legit be genuinely harassing another woman in this way.
I need to psych myself up to be flat out mean to here, but it's hard, we work together on a lot of stuff, and she's so in my face and demanding constant attention and reassurance. I'm just NO good at all with being assertive with people or starting conflict, I just want a quiet life!
This is so wrong. Just because she's a woman doesn't mean that rules do not partain to her. She should respect your boundaries as well as your personal space. I don't like this at all! You should tell her, set some boundaries and if she persists...well then report her, at least you then gave her a chance to change her behaviour. Don't be scared, its your space and your body!