Accountability Thread

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Re: Accountability Thread

Post by shymona »

Tennis is a great workout. I tried pickleball for the first time recently and it is addicting!
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Re: Accountability Thread

Post by shymona »

Plumpkin wrote: Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:07 am
shymona wrote: Sun Feb 26, 2023 5:26 pm Tennis is a great workout. I tried pickleball for the first time recently and it is addicting!

What it a 'pickleball' ?
It’s a new sport gaining in popularity. Imagine if tennis and ping pong had a baby
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Re: Accountability Thread

Post by Orla »

I’ve gone back to the cardio stuff I used to do for years (I had to stop after I injured myself on a run and subsequently had knee surgery almost a year ago). It feels good to do it again.
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Re: Accountability Thread

Post by moonbynight »

Ok, the time changed, so like I promised, I got back to the gym. I did a Zumba class, and then my weights.

I tell you, I'm the world's most clumsy, awkward zumbaist. But I don't have high expectations of myself in that regard, so it's ok. I figure if I keep moving and don't actually injure myself, that's what matters most. The class seems more laid back and positive than the early morning torture class. And so far, no politics.

There's also a boxing class Mondays at the same time that I might try at some point.

The biggest barrier I have right now is that I have to leave pretty much immediately after work in order to get there in time for the class, and I'm there for two hours, so whatever we're having for dinner either has to be cold or in the slow cooker. But that's workable. Childcare is also an issue - three days a week the 12 year old is at jiu jitsu at the same time, and the 9 year old can go to the gym childcare. The other days, I either have to make the 12 year old wait in the gym lounge until I'm done, or leave her at home alone, neither of which seem like great options.

But three days a week (twice during the week in the evening, and then our weekend trip to the pool) is fine, and means I can get all my weights stuff in as well.
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Re: Accountability Thread

Post by Orla »

I’m glad you found a class that works for you!
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Re: Accountability Thread

Post by Lilianna »

oh awesome Moon!
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Re: Accountability Thread

Post by delevigne-fan »

I want to get much fitter so returned to the gym about a month ago. I do rowing machine, elliptical, treadmill etc and stay for about an hour all up.

I also have been having sessions with the personal trainer and using weights machines for the first time. Have that once a week in addition to the cardio machine sessions.

Also walking outside and exercise videos on YouTube.
I think it’s made a lot of difference already.

I try to go at least 30 mins of exercise a day as measured by Apple Watch.

For the past two weeks my trainer tried to get me to do lunges but my form is really off.
My leg twisted and I fell backwards. I guess I’m too uncoordinated to do them.

My thigh twisted when I fell over backwards on Saturday.
So now my leg really hurts when I kneel.

It’s ok to walk. Hopefully the lunges won’t need to be repeated.
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Re: Accountability Thread

Post by moonbynight »

I haven't posted in a while.

I stuck with zumba for a few months, and then the assistant teacher tried to get me to be coordinated and it poked my childhood exercise trauma and I lost interest.

I tried the boxing class, but it wasn't boxing (the name has since been changed on the schedule to strength/cardio), and I wasn't really into it.

I tried yoga, developed a bit of a crush on the teacher, and overall really liked it, so I did that, along with one day a week of just whatever at the gym in place of the other class. Mostly the treadmill.

With the time change, I couldn't do crush yoga anymore. There was another yoga class after the not-boxing class, run by the not-boxing teacher. I was a little hesitant about that because the not-boxing teacher is a bit of an aging dudebro, but he's actually pretty sweet and the class is ok. Not as zen as the crush yoga, but enjoyable and good from an exercise perspective. He always plays instrumental covers of 90s music.

Just after the new year, I started running a 5 day a week morning exercise class for one of my discord servers. By "running", I mean I put together a playlist of YouTube exercise videos - a combo of dance, kickboxing/martial arts, yoga, strength, and qi gong (I've realized that the right wing Tai Chi class was perhaps not Tai Chi, but a perfectly acceptable qi gong class, other than the Trump stuff). It worry that perhaps it is a little too eclectic to be effective. Only one other person joins semi-regularly, but pretending that other people are relying on me really helps me stick with it.

I found that, at least for cardio, I really enjoy the videos much more than in-person stuff. Much less self-consciousness, and more freedom to self-regulate. I've tried videos in the past, but got bored of them after going through them a few times. YouTube, with it's near endless selection, is very helpful for that. Plus some of the YouTubers are super good at explaining how things are supposed to be done or how they're supposed to feel - much better than any in-person class I've ever taken.

We later decided to add dumbbell sessions to the morning exercise class, for strength and bone density and so forth, and I've been gradually growing my collection.

The time changed again, so now I'm back to the crush yoga class, and have stuck with dudebro yoga as well.

My youngest kid had a birthday and aged out of the childcare, which is unfortunate - she really loved it, so getting her there was a big motivating factor for getting to the gym in general. But she's interested in trying the classes (which is allowed). Today we went to Zumba. Next week we'll try yoga. I want to continue the crush yoga class for sure, but unsure about the other day - Zumba and dudebro yoga are back to back, and they're different enough exercise that I think I would be fine with both, but I'm not sure the kid has that much attention span, so we'll see.

Hopefully she will enjoy the classes, or at a minimum be willing to sit around and read while I take them. However, if it does get to the point where the gym just isn't working for us anymore, I feel much more confident in my ability to continue at home.
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